California Coast Views
January-February 2007
Mailea was working for a professor doing research on endemic
plants at Bodega Bay. To provide controlled areas for the
testing, she was building fenced-in plots to keep the
deer out. Neil worked with her one Saturday (it happened to be her
birthday!) and we joined her for lunch a few other days. One
day we hiked the hill over looking the research facility. Had a great
view of the whole area, plus spotted some whale spouts!
Those white stakes are what Neil helped Mailea pound in. Talk about
sore arms!
And here on the south sid of the facility, Mailea demonstrates how it
is done.
Mailea and Greg live about 20 miles from the coast. It may be clear and
sunny at their house while being totally fogged in at the coast - and
vice versa. One clear day (so we thought) we headed out to Point
When we arrived it was so foggy we didn't get to
see much.
At the visitor's center they said the white cliffs reminded early
sailors of Dover. At first we didn't know what they meant, but then the
fog lifted a
little and suddenly the cliffs loomed along the beach.
Quite a view. Neil wanted to
see more, so we went to the gift shop and took an inexpensive aerial
In other words, we looked at postcards to see what we were missing. :)
Photographs, digital editing and effects by Neil Rhoads
Written May 2007
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revised 5/19/07