Oregon Views
January 2007

At every turn of the road from Northern California through Oregon, we kept saying "how gorgeous!"
At the end of the day, after taking umpteen gazillion photos, Neil was laughing and saying "Dang, everywhere you look there is more scenery!"

Lighthouse with us
This is reported to be the most photographed lighthouse in the US.
(Can you tell which of us was in the original photo and which was added in later?)
Brandon Beach in panorama. Neil used five shots to create the composite.
truck traveling
Greg loaned us his pickup truck for travel. Notice the "waterproof" luggage in the back.
Sea Lion Cave
Sea Lion Cave on the Oregon coast was quite a multi-sensory experience.
Amazing to see and hear and smell -- imagine the smell and noise of 500 sea lions fighting over a few slimy rocks!
Can you say "fish breath?"
It was a nicely developed tourist destination in that you enter through the gift shop then go down an elevator 20 stories through solid rock, but that's the only way in to see it (it's worth the stop).

Yachats is a nice little beach community midway up the coast.
Lincoln City
Lincoln Beach is toward the north of Oregon's coast. Our friend Annie lived in one of the cottages on top of the cliffs here (behind the camera).
Nan and SaraNeil and George
Good friends Sara Bly and George Smith live outside of Portland and we had to turn inland to visit them. Of course that was the day of the big snow and ice storm in Portland when cars were sliding down the streets and ricocheting off other cars. Sara called and said ,"Stay where you are at the coast; don't come inland today." Even the next day, we had to take alternate routes to miss icy roads and we had to park the truck at the bottom of their driveway because it couldn't make it up. They had to fetch us and our waterproof bin luggage up in their 4WD. We enjoyed hiking through their land and learning about forestry from George.
Photographs, digital editing and effects by Neil Rhoads
Written May 2007
Nan's Home Page
revised 5/19/07