Kreischer's Visit to Hawaii

In December, Uncle Ron, Uncle Harold, Aunt Sherry, and cousins Marc and Adam plus Haley, Marc's fiancé, visited the Big Island for a basketball tournament (my cousins were participating). Neil and I flew over from Maui to see them. Neil drove a van with 9 people touring around the Hilo area for 2 days. We had a great time. I enjoyed it as I had not seen Hilo myself and we could visit as we toured around.
The group shot
Kreischer Group in Hawaii plus teammate Scott

I have a friend, Carolyn, who recently moved from Maui to Hilo and we got to visit her. She took us to her parents’ property, which is as beautiful as any tropical botanical gardens in the rain forest: amazing flowers, fern trees, and “lava trees”.
Fern TreesAnthuriums

Carolyn, our hostess                       Haley in the Gardens
Neil in the gardens
Neil among the trees

We hiked out along lava cliffs where the surf was pounding and sending spray high in the air, wetting the daring cliff-edge walkers (Marc's in the picture but I did see Ron and Harold get wet). Adam is standing on a lava arch.
Marc in the spray of the Pacific OceanAdam on Lava Arch

We also visited Rod, a friend of Neil's, who is starting a small exotic fruit farm north of Hilo and Uncle Harold enjoyed "talking story" about farms.
Walking over the farmThe Ohio Farmer and Jerusalem Cherries

Sunday we went to Rainbow Falls and Pe’epe’e Falls.
Adam at Rainbow FallsScott, Adam, Marc at Pe’epe’e FallsNeil and Nan at Pe’epe’e Falls

On beyond Rainbow Falls is Boiling Pots with some great swimming holes and cliff jumping. First is Scott, Marc and Adam's teammate, while they look on. Adam's turn as Marc continues to survey the water. And finally Marc gets his turn. I hear the cousins enjoyed it so much, they took their teammates back the next day.
Scott jumpingAdam jumping, Marc looks onMarc's turn to jump

Written January 2001

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revised 1/21/01