Quentin and Sophie

Quentin in 6th grade Quentin, my 10 year old great nephew, is now in 6th grade at the Kalama Middle School in Makawao. This means having a locker and the rotating class schedule. There was a little up front anxiety but he is now loving it. He requested some new wardrobe items from his mom so he didn’t look like a little kid. This photo was the first day I spent with him after he had his new clothes. Notice the cargo shorts and the cool T-shirt. Glad his mom took him clothes shopping because I wouldn’t know what’s in. At least I had a list from the school when I took him school supply shopping. Can’t believe the kids have to take Kleenex and paper towels to class on the first day (along with all their notebooks and pencils)!

Quentin and Sophie Sophie, his sister, is now living in Oregon with her dad and came to Maui for a month visit this summer. Mother Vajra and brother Quentin were so excited about her being here with them for a month. They Skype with her a few times a week but not that same as having her here. Sophie turned 8 years old July 19 right after she arrived and they had a big party for her. Neil and I were able to attend to enjoy pizza and archery and watch the kids loving the pool. I also enjoyed spending every Friday with Quentin and Sophie while she was here. Even got to see the Smurf movie 😉

Quentin at May Day Every year, the elementary schools in Hawaii celebrate May Day with a Hawaiian pageant and production including dances from all the classes. Quentin’s being in the 5th grade and the highest grade in the school performed with his class for the finale dance. He did a great job. He also had a graduation banquet and dance the last day of school! Parents got to come at the beginning to take photos but then left to allow the kids to have their party time supervised by the teachers. Quentin reported to me that he is a great dancer and had a good time!

Firefox Live Bookmarks


A technical aside for those of you who use Firefox. If you don’t care about the computer tech stuff, you can stop reading now. I use Firefox internet browser and I created a Live Bookmark link to my site that shows up on my bookmark toolbar. The Live Bookmark is a connection to the RSS feed so when something new is posted, it will show up on the bookmark. What I expected was for the bookmark title to become bold when there was something new. But it didn’t! Frustrated, I started searching and finally found an addon which will do just that: Boox 3.0. I installed it on my Windows XP version and it is working great! Turns the bookmark title to bold when there is a new post so you don’t have to continually check the site  (my posts will be less frequent now that the trip report is finished.) I also like that my new little favicon shows up in the list once a post is read (Thanks Neil).

I found another great tip if you use Google Reader: Mixing Google Reader and Live Bookmarks. This page describes how you can set up a Live Bookmark to point at your Google Reader feed list without having to login to Google. The article points out the plus is a quick look at what’s new in your Reader; the negative is it doesn’t mark the items as read in Google Reader as you read because you aren’t logged. I have just read a good review of NewsBlur so I am going to take a look at it as a reader alternative.

Our Flowering Plants

Heliconia Three years ago, we started two projects: getting some greenery along the new white fence out our kitchen window and planting a vegetable garden. Our efforts were documented on a past gardening web page. (You can look at the photos on that page to see how empty the ground looked around the cottage.) As I commented in that page, between the salt air and the Kihei bugs, we gave up on vegetable gardening and have migrated to the flowering plants. With great satisfaction, our efforts have paid off with lush greenery and lovely flowers around our home.

Golden Torch Heliconia We enjoy the vibrant green of our back garden under the spreading branches of our favorite mango tree. It is filled with golden torch heliconia, ferns, blue ginger, and indian head ginger bushes. Farther back are two lilikoi (passion fruit) plants with vines creating a canopy where they can reach more sun. Fortunately it’s a low maintenance garden requiring occasional weeding and raking out the fallen mango leaves!

Red Ginger I am proud that the red ginger flowers have done so well out the kitchen window. And in addition to the flowers, we enjoy watching the numerous gekos and anole lizards sunning themselves and racing after insects. I can’t believe how the heliconia have taken off. Not only have they grown tall and colorful, they have spread to dominate the back half of the garden and continue to try to spread out into the small path. Every few weeks I need to dig out the starts in the path and work to find a place to replant them in the contained border.  Plus I cut out the stocks that have finished with their blooms and are starting to turn brown. The purple flower Mexican Petunia plants are also in continual flower. They open new blossoms every morning and the wind blows them off every afternoon.

Coconut palm We have a ficus tree that has grown so huge and spread its branches so wide you would think it wants to be the Lahaina banyan tree. And we are love having so many coconuts and palm trees on the property. But we have to be careful about where we park as sometimes the coconuts have grown pretty large and can do some real damage to a car or a head!

Mango Season

Hand picked We arrived home from our wonderful June trip at the start of mango season; it was actually a little late this year as we often start getting ripe mangoes in mid May. We have four different types of mango trees on the property yet the flavor of the mangoes we prefer is the tree which spreads half its branches over our cottage. We’ve become quite expert at interpreting the sound of mangoes that fall from the tree onto our roof. Our roof has no insulation – just wooden shingles nailed onto a single layer of 1 inch thick boards. In the quiet of early morning we can often hear the sound of a single leaf landing on the roof above us. (Granted, mango leaves can be big.) We can tell when the mangoes are ready for picking by the sound of the bounces. When they are still green and hard (usually knocked off by a gust of wind or a rat in the night), they fall off the tree and hit the roof with a loud bang, possibly followed by further bounces down slope. Once they are ripe, though, we hear more of a thud and roll. When mangos are scarce we sometimes shout in unison from different parts of the house “That’s a good one!” as we run for the door to retrieve it before the chickens get to it.

Full extension of the mango pole Half the tree is picked from our driveway and requires the longest extension of the picking pole. The tree is now so tall that even with the extension, some are out of reach and we have to let gravity do the work (they drop when ripe.) The other half of the tree can be picked from the roof allowing some hand picking but even up there the longest extension is not always enough. Neil is diligent every morning going up to the roof to pick the mangoes that are ready. (Sometimes I go up and help!) If he waits too long, the wind picks up and brings them down producing bruised and smashed mangoes. Neil has developed quite the technique, as you can imagine, for identifying the mangoes ready to be picked, positioning them in the basket just so and then upward pressure to let them “release” from the tree and into the basket. He has also discovered another day or two with just a little afternoon sun on the picked mangoes brings out a little more of the natural sweetness in their flavor. Oh yum!

Mango pyramid on the roof Each morning the perfect mangoes come down for our enjoyment or for sharing. Before sharing, however, I had to fill our freezer with baggies of frozen mangoes for my winter smoothies (maybe 50 pounds or so!). Ah yes, we have yet another finely tuned system for “processing” mangoes. We can wash, cut, scoop, juice, bag, and stack about 4 dozen mangoes in about 45 minutes. I did leave just a little room for a few other frozen items!

Fortunately, the fruit of the mango tree ripens at different intervals allowing us months of fresh mango savoring. Sadly the season is almost at an end. Neil thinks maybe another week of picking as the tree finishes this year’s cycle. Summer season is usually mid-May to mid-September. Depending on the whims of the trees, we sometimes get a winter season of fresh mangoes for a few months.

We continue to enjoy our island home and all the beauty and abundance that it gives up.

Washington and Oregon

Leavenworth, Washington We met Mailea in Leavenworth, Washington, on Monday after our cruise (thanks to Helene and Timothy generously loaning us Rover, one of their cars.) The town of Leavenworth is modeled as an Alpine Bavarian village. I was impressed that all the buildings in town are built in the Bavarian architecture, even the Holiday Inn. We ate a hardy German lunch in full tradition of the town but we missed having an um-pa-pa band. We enjoyed the hike and soak in Scenic Hot Springs in the afternoon.

The following day was spent in Seattle exploring the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks and Carl S. English, Jr., Botanical Garden, followed by lunch at Pho Than, for Vietnamese soup with Chessa, a friend of Mailea’s. Luckily, we didn’t stay full for long because we had a fantastic salmon dinner with our friends Helene and Timothy that night.

Denny Falls Setting out for Oregon, we stopped several times off of I90 in Washington searching out waterfalls. We took a gentle but lush forested hike along the creek to Denny Falls. It was a lovely cloudy drippy interlude from dry car travel. We also had a car picnic while parked at an old growth forest with heavy drippy mist coming down all around us; typical Washington weather. Any longer and we would have put down roots and become part of the forest ourselves. We drove through the town of Roslyn, Washington, made famous as the location where much of the TV show Northern Exposure was filmed (Yes, Northern Exposure was supposed to be about an Alaskan community.) The camel painting is still on the side of Roslyn Café.

Salmon sushi Greg and Trinity, aka Lucy the dog, had the house all ready for us. Oliver and Lela, the cats, tolerate our presence after smelling everything we brought in the house. Lela took full advantage of the extra laps to sit in and soaked up lots of loving attention. We feasted each night of our visit with Mailea; particularly memorable were the excellent salmon sushi, the incredible brined roast turkey from the Neil/Greg chef team, blueberry pie and cobbler made from fresh pints of berries, and Neil’s fresh rhubarb sauce.

Chief Joseph Memorial Our previous visit in February was just too cold outside for us to explore much beyond La Grande. This time we set off to see some of the wonders of Oregon Mailea and Greg have been treasuring. They love to mountain bike and we went with them to one of their favorite spots where we hiked a bit while they rode. On Saturday, we drove to Wallowa Lake via the town of Joseph. The area is so picturesque that it has become a little resort alpine village in the middle of Oregon.Wallowa Lake from the aerial tram After our lakeside lunch, Greg, Mailea, and Trinity took off for a walk to Lower Adams Creek falls while Neil and I took the gondola ride to the top of Mount Howard. (We had to split up because in their foolishness, the gondola people do not allow people who happen to be in dog bodies to ride in their cars. In solidarity, Neil stuck his head out the window pretty much the whole way up and down. No barking or slobbering, though. He mostly just used his opposable thumbs to operate the camera.) At the top, we walked over the still snow covered trails to the rocky overlook to take in the view of Eagle Cap Wilderness area and its rugged peaks.

Mailea, Greg, and La GrandeBack in the La Grande vicinity, yet another afternoon of exploration took us to the top of Mount Emily which overlooks La Grande and the surrounding valley. Sadly, our trip was finally coming to an end on July Fourth when Mailea and Greg drove us to Pasco Airport to pick up a one-way rental car to drive back to Seattle. We returned for one last evening with Helene, Timothy, Shane, and Talia before our early morning flight to Maui. Thus ended a wonderful event filled three weeks of family, friends, sights, feasting, and laughter.

Photos and commentary by Neil.