Video and Text by Neil
Here’s the male cardinal who asked me to put some sunflower seeds out. He visits several times a day and chirps while he eats. The female comes too, but she is more skittish. Like many females I know, she does not like her picture taken — especially when she is eating! She also talks a lot while she eats. We can tell their voices apart and know who is visiting without even looking. But of course, it is more fun to watch them! (I’m pretty sure if we would take each one of their cheeps and slow it down enough we would hear “thaaaannnnkkkkssss!”)
The more I observe this male Cardinal the more impressed I am with him. I have lived here for 14+ years and never put food out for the birds. Then, a few weeks ago this male Cardinal started visiting this bush and calling to us as we sat whale watching over morning tea. It took about 3 days for me to get the idea to put food out for him. As soon as I did, he would visit several times a day, serenading us with joyful song. When he left he usually took an unopened seed with him. Why??
At first, the cautious female would stay at a distance and the male would fly seeds over to her, sometimes more than once during a feeding session. Eventually, the female would come on her own. It definitely appeared as if he was patiently teaching her how to be an adult.
He seems to be a good mate. Surprisingly often he will show up bringing her some treat. At the end of this clip we see her spit out a sunflower seed to make room for one. She opens her mouth for it like a young bird. Hopefully they will show up one day with some little ones!